Escape to the warm, welcoming Garden Court to enjoy a delicious buffet. Surrounded by lush gardens and natural sunlight, this buffet restaurant offers an affordable meal with a wide variety of delightful dishes that the whole family will enjoy. Whether it’s lunch, dinner, or Sunday brunch, their appetizing meal offering is on display with a `Chef Carving` station with the selected featured meat of the day, accompanied by a variety of hot menu items and their homemade soup du jour. The buffet also hosts a large build-your-own salad bar and a 16-foot table full of delectable desserts, fruit, and soft-serve ice cream. Their most popular days include Wednesday roast Turkey with all the trimmings and Western Barbeque Thursday featuring a round-up of BBQ favorites. Take advantage of their delicious soup and salad option if you`re just looking for a light lunch. Do you want to celebrate a special occasion or get together with family and friends? Garden Court is equipped to accommodate everything, from small intimate gatherings to large groups and private parties. Just call to make a reservation.

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