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Empire Ammolite is an Artisan shop that designs, manufactures, and sells Ammolite and Ammonite products. Onsite they have a group of Artisans: you can visit with a gemstone artisan who is producing Ammolite Gemstones before your eyes, and chat with a jeweler who is designing and producing jewelry before your eyes. This Factory Outlet Store is a full gemstone and jewelry manufacturing facility specializing in Ammolite (An Alberta Gemstone) and Ammonite Fossils. Ammolite is a gemstone that is unique to Alberta Canada as is derived from Ammonites found only in Alberta; Ammonites without vivid color are found throughout the world, but the versions found in Canada are unique! Learn in-store from the Artisans about the rich Canadian History of Ammolite (First Nations word is Inniskim or "Buffalo Stone") and browse the finest Ammolite products in Calgary!

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